Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Currently reading

As I've mentioned before, and is probably pretty obvious, I'm a bookworm. As such, I cannot read one book at a time exclusively. I flip back and forth much to everyone arounds chagrin. The question "what are you reading right now?" creates a hive like sensation and I have no idea how geeky or weird they are about to think I am when I can't give a straight answer. So, at the moment here are the books I'm reading.

You're Already Amazing by Holley Gerth. My favorite thing about her writing? Combination of Faith, personal experiences, and psychological research. Things the Psychology major, and research geek, love!

The Best Yes by Lysa Terkeurst is an interesting book so far. It's pretty new, so I haven't had a chance to finish but it mostly revolves around not spreading yourself too thin and knowing "When to say Yes."

I've been really interesting in exploring paths that make a difference, as well as books on leadership and motivation. Blake Mycoskie's Start Something that Matters is perfect for all of these reasons! It explores what motivated him to start TOMS, and his entrepreneurship.

I love to read and welcome book suggestions! I read pretty much anything so let me know!

Here are some other places to find me online:
A blog that's mostly Health/Wellness related.


  1. Christie,
    You have chosen two great authors! I love anything written by Lysa and Holley but I really enjoyed "Becoming More than a Good Bible Study Girl" and I love Holley's "You're Made for a God-Sized Dream." I also enjoy Priscilla Shirer's books -- so encouraging-- and would highly recommend "Life Interrupted" and "One in a Million." I'm a bookworm too! :) (Stopping by from Holley's link-up today.)

  2. There are so many to choose from! I love Jen Hatmaker, and I just read Love, Skip, Jump by Shelene Bryan. Anything by Mark Batterson gets me excited.
    And of course Holley Gerth. :)
